Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

We had “home church” last Sunday. Home Church is our preferred method of worship when we can’t make it to regular church due to a variety of reasons (fever, bad attitude, long night of crying babies, too late to be fashionably late to regular church, etc).
To kick off our worship session we asked the kids to start it off with a song and prayer before Ben read our Bible story. Walker said he wanted to pick the song, so we waited for him to choose one of the good ol’ standards (Jesus Loves Me, Our God is an Awesome God, This Little Light of Mine). It was taking him a while so we tried to suggest some of the aforementioned classics. Walker shot them all down quickly and said “no, I want to sing. . . (long dramatic pause....) Star Wars.” Sawyer started to laugh and Ben started to tell him to pick another song, but I could tell he was serious about his selection, so I told him that was a great idea and to go ahead and lead us. What followed was the sweetest, most sincere form of acapella worship that a 3 year old could muster. After the first round we all joined in as a family and sang together. It was reverent and real and made me feel closer to my family and closer to my God. (I think the Baptist Hymnal may need to be amended to include this song). And just so you know. . .
According to Wikipedia a hymn is “a type of song, usually religious, specifically written for the purpose of praise, adoration or prayer, and typically addressed to a deity/deities, a prominent figure or an epic tale. The word hymn derives from Greek ὕμνος hymnos "a song of praise".
Amazing Grace, Victory in Jesus, Because He Lives, Ode to Joy…and now, thanks to Walker, the theme to Star Wars.

Have a great day, and may the Force be with you! :)


The Booys said...

so sweet! I wish I was a fly on your wall during this little worship session. Thanks for the Birthday wish. It was a very nice day full of wind, sandy beach, pigeons, gelato, pizza, and my family. What a great combination!

Kipplyn said...

Oh that Walker! How can you get anything done all day with such a cutie to eat up? I love that boy!

Unknown said...


Wow! You are really awesome! I know I sound suprised, but I'm not really. I just really love reading your stories. I shouldn't act suprised considering you tell me all this stuff every day anyway, but if you read my post on Kipplyn's Blog, you will see my self admition to not being a very good listener. Plus, by the end of the day, you know you have run out of gas to tell it all to me anyway, so I am going to start reading everyday. You are such a blessing to everyone you meet. You don't even know some of the people who you have become an encouragement to through your blogs. I have seen such spiritual growth in you over the last year that it makes me so proud to be your husband. You "die to self" daily as you serve me, the kids, and others. Even though I know your daily challenges, it is great to read your reflection on what God is teaching you daily. What an amazing woman you are! I am so blessed to have you! Thank you for being my wife. I love you!


Gerri/Mom/Grammy said...

Way to go Stacy, you just called me and told me to read your and Kipplyn’s blog and now I am sobbing because I am sooo FULL of JOY, THANKSGIVING, GRATEFULNESS and pride that God has blessed Randy and me with such amazing, following after God , men and women that we call our kids but have become our friends. I’m SOOOOO proud that you and Ben not only “let” Walker sing his song, but that you embraced it with him and because of it “entered into His Presence”! WOW!!!! What an incredible experience! I’m horribly afraid that in my early years I wouldn’t have had the wisdom that you did and I would have closed his spirit missing the opportunity to introduce him to a wonderful relationship experience with the Lord by insisting on being in the box of “religious correctness”. I’m grateful that God continues to teach me through our children and grandchildren! Our prayers are being answered that “our children will do it better than we did”! I am sooo grateful that we get to share day to day life with you and your children. I am painfully aware of friends that do not get this privilege so THANK YOU, ALL OF YOU!! With a FULL heart of worship to the Lord for you, Gerri/Mom

Annie said...

"And a child shall lead them". May we all be so real and fresh.

Love you guys,